Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wolverines Court of Honor, May 2012

Our younger scouts have been working very hard over the past few months.  They had five rank advancements and 14 merit badges presented on Sunday evening.  Here is a pictures of the boys who received awards and the video that was presented to show activities over the past few months:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wolverines et al: Peppersauce Caves, the return

The Wolverines Extreme checked out the caves near Oracle, AZ in March 2012 with the expectation to lead a larger expedition for the younger scouts at a later date.  That date became May 12, 2012.  Here are a few pictures of the adventure:

Those helmets my look silly, but they REALLY do the job!

 The "book room" where those who make it are able to sign in.